About Me

On a continual quest for natural, non-toxic solutions


My Passion Is Natural Health

Hi! I'm Becky Peyton and I've been on a natural wellness journey for the past 10 years. Using food as medicine, reducing my exposures to toxic ingredients in all aspects of my life, and turning to natural remedies for managing symptoms, I have been living comfortably with autoimmune disease for the past decade without the need of pharmaceuticals. I moved to Utah in 2021 to be close to my daughter Jenna Beaty (@OrganicallyJenna) and her family and we love working together and bringing hope by teaching how to navigate our toxic world, nourish our bodies with real food, and find natural solutions for common ailments that work!

I am a strong believer in medical choice and I also know that it is up to each of us to seek out information and do our due diligence when choosing medical care. Gone are the days where we can rely on the integrity of the medical profession alone because our health professionals are more often than not very restricted to providing only the “standard of care” that they must adhere to. Sometimes referred to as the “Medical Industrial Complex”, this industry by design is driven purely by profits, and we shouldn’t be shocked by this any longer.

My journey with natural healthcare began in 2014 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and experienced the “standard of care” of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. I had been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 5 years already and was taking the usual immune suppressant drugs, but this surprise Cancer diagnosis and treatment was really the wake up call that caused me to rethink the way I was handling my health. Towards the end of the chemotherapy treatment, as I was crippled with joint pain and weakness, I had the realization that this whole process did not include relying on or supporting the healing abilities of my own immune system and was in fact, by design, completely annihilating it with these treatments! Could I have treated the very early stages of growth (which were just calcium deposits) with lifestyle changes, food choices and detoxing? Was there a better way than chemo and radiation? Maybe. Probably. This is a choice that every person with a serious medical diagnosis has to make and I set out to explore all the different ways that people were successfully managing and even healing themselves from disease.

The world is rapidly changing and more than ever people are realizing the necessity of being their own health advocates, rather than relying on a system that is serving big Pharma more than caring for people.

What I have learned is that there are many alternative, less toxic means to achieve wellness and to support our bodies that exist outside of allopathic medicine and I love to explore and share about them. My passion is to help others find natural solutions to health issues such as those caused by autoimmune and other progressive and chronic diseases that are treated mainly with pharmaceuticals aimed at suppressing symptoms and immune response.

My driving passion is to help women find their vitality and take charge of their health and wellness, for themselves and their families, with nutritious whole foods and natural solutions rather than dangerous and harmful pharmaceuticals.

xo, Becky

And It All Starts With What You Eat, Honestly ...

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